Getting Back to the Gym

Are you worried about getting back to the gym? Most gym goers will at some point experience a period away from the gym. The reasons for that are many; illness, injury, life events or just getting out of the habit. If you decide to make a return, then you will have inevitably lost some condition […]
Nutrition for Strength Training
Nutrition plays a critical role in supporting your strength training efforts. Here are some key aspects to consider for optimal nutrition while strength training: Everyone’s nutritional needs may vary, so listening to your body and adjusting as needed is essential. Here at Gym64, as part of your membership, you can book a Nutritional Evaluation FREE […]
The Benefits of a Gym Programme
What are the benefits of a Gym Programme? Here at Gym64 all members have health assessments, gym programme and nutrition evaluations included as part of their membership, the frequency of which are determined by whether you are a gold, silver or bronze member. Gold Members can book these in every 4 weeks, silver members every […]
2024 January Bootcamps
2024 January Bootcamps Across our branches: Glenrothes, Kirkcaldy and Dunfermline this January Gym64 are delighted to give all our members information on the Bootcamps available to you. Below we’ve included more detail on each bootcamp and information on how to book. KMF Bootcamp Starting 15th January 2024 and running til 9th March 2024 Cash prizes […]
12 Sessions for £12 – December Offer
12 Sessions for £12 – December Offer Gym64 are delighted this year to bring back our 12 Sessions for £12 December Offer! If you are a member of Gym64, bring along a friend to our Glenrothes Gym, Kirkcaldy Gym or Dunfermline Gym over 12 days in December and it will only cost them £12… The […]
2023 Festive Opening Hours
2023 Festive Opening Hours Gym64 as always wants to ensure that we are open when you need us over the festive period, we are OPEN every day across both Christmas and New Year! We use our membership check-in data to ensure that our Gyms in Dunfermline, Kirkcaldy & Glenrothes are open at the times where […]
Get Ready For The Ride Of Your Life!
Get Ready For The Ride Of Your Life! At Gym64 we are constantly finding ways to provide an up-to-date and exceptional experience for our members. Our spin studio has had a massive revamp… from 26 brand new spin bikes, brand new class names and being freshly painted to make your indoor group cycling experience the […]
Why you should exercise your way through Perimenopause/Menopause
Why you should exercise your way through Perimenopause/Menopause As a personal trainer, I have worked with many women going through perimenopause and menopause. These stages can be challenging, but women can still achieve their health and fitness goals with the right guidance and support. Here are some of my tips for managing symptoms and staying […]
What time of day is best to workout?
What time of day is best to workout? A common question I receive from clients is whether there is an optimal time of day to work out. While individual circumstances and preferences play a role, there is evidence to suggest that the time of day and food intake can affect performance during exercise. Morning Workouts: […]