Junior 64 Monthly

Fife Gym Membership

Gym64 Junior 64 Monthly

Junior 64 Monthly


+ last month payment

Our memberships do not tie you into a contract. Because of this when joining we ask for first month payment and your last month payment. This is your monthly notice for cancelling your membership so no further payment is required.

  • Your Junior64 Membership is for High School students over the age of 11 (please note you must have a ‘My Fife Card’). You will receive an Induction to Gym 64 when you join.
  • Access to Classes  (please note after 5:30pm you must be accompanied by an adult to access a class.)
  • Access to the Gym you choose
  • 11-16 years
  • 6am – 5:30pm Monday to Friday | 8am-12pm Saturday & Sunday (After 12pm the Junior must be accompanied by an adult)

This will also add the following products to your cart:

  • Junior 64 - Last month payment - £19.99

* Please note that all online orders are non refundable