Our Locations
1 Pitreavie Crescent, Pitreavie
Business Park, Dunfermline,
Fife, KY11 8UT
1 Esplanade, Kirkcaldy, Fife,
9 Faraday Road, Glenrothes,
Fife, KY6 2RU
© 2025 GYM 64 | Web Maintenance & Website design in Fife by Simplicity
Hot tip for beginners – start with light weights, this workout is different from gym floor training where you work in the rep ranges of 6-15. In Les Mills Body Pump, you can work with over 100 reps continuously using the same muscle groups in one track!
This type of training is muscular endurance, training your body to withstand resistance for longer periods of time while keeping your heart and lungs healthy! Great class to attend so you can carry your shopping for longer while going round the shops!
Spend your first few classes getting used to the movements and finding your range of motion. You will more than likely be a little sore after your first few workouts, this is completely normal and expected!
In Les Mills Body Pump our instructors will coach you to be in time with the music and challenge your muscles using different tempos to match the beat of the music. You don’t need to be able to hear the beat to be able to participate in this class as our instructors will do that work for you!
The music will help motivate you through the class so you can aim to complete every rep in the workout (yes, including all the lunges).
Great class to introduce you to resistance training to work on getting stronger, increase bone density, challenge yourself, meet new friends and burn some energy!
You’ll never get bored as a new release is launched every 3 months with brand new choreography.
Bring with you – comfortable clothing, plenty fluids, no ego, and energy to have a great time!
© 2025 GYM 64 | Web Maintenance & Website design in Fife by Simplicity