Our Locations
1 Pitreavie Crescent, Pitreavie
Business Park, Dunfermline,
Fife, KY11 8UT
1 Esplanade, Kirkcaldy, Fife,
9 Faraday Road, Glenrothes,
Fife, KY6 2RU
© 2025 GYM 64 | Web Maintenance & Website design in Fife by Simplicity
Spin 64 is more than just a workout! It’s an excellent cardiovascular workout with lots of energy to help you make the most of the class. We believe our instructors; the music and the bikes are a unique combination – together they blend and bring group fitness magic. Free your mind and work on your fitness in our Spin 64 classes. Indoor cycling classes are excellent as you can push your heart rate to a high intensity without compromising your joints in the process.
Our studios showcase colourful lighting in a dark room, so the lighting matches the high energy vibe to keep you engaged!
You will feel your endorphins skyrocket from working hard alongside fellow members and our passionate instructors.
What do I need to bring?
Yourself, water, comfortable clothing, a towel is advised as you will get sweaty! Cycle shoes if you have them but not necessary as we have clips which are suitable for all regular gym trainers.
If it’s your first time, arrive early so our instructors can assist you with bike setup. This is important so you are comfortable on the bike and to avoid injury.
© 2025 GYM 64 | Web Maintenance & Website design in Fife by Simplicity